DLC mantém aposta nos serviços de cloud da Eurotux
Throughout 13 years of collaboration, DLC entrusts Eurotux with the hosting and 24/7 monitoring of its eLearning platforms.
Considered one of Eurotux’s oldests clients, the collaboration with Distance Learning Consulting (DLC) started indirectly in 2005. Then, the first service contract was signed in 2007.
Specialized in providing eLearning, bLearning and mLearning to its students, DLC always needed to guarantee high availability, performance and safety of the services.
About the service
The company could supplement all of its need in Eurotux’s cloud, through quality software solutions developed in-house and based on LAMP platforms (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).
The service also includes a permanent monitoring available 24/7, the whole year, maintained by Eurotux’s technical services.
The DLC has always been concerned about the safety of its platforms, and has always achieved this big goal considering the data center and hardware platforms quality, where the services are hosted. Another reason for this achievement is the technical expertise of Eurotux engineers, who guarantee the good functioning of the NetForma Platform.
A solid relationship
According to António Augusto Fernandes, DLC’s CEO, “The solid and mutually beneficial relationship between two companies is measured on the basis of several indicators: reliability, effectiveness, efficiency, time, quality, prompt response, immediate problem resolution and fair price. Over almost two decades these have been the variables that have guided the relationship between DLC and Eurotux. Thank you for your contribution to the success of DLC in Portugal and beyond.”
Eurotux has extensive experience and proven expertise in cloud services. To learn more about hosting and data center solutions, please contact Eurotux.
About DLC
DLC is a reference company that provides services of eLearning, bLearning and mLearning and pretends to achieve a total leadership from this methodologies in national market, and also to enter in an extensive way at international market, in order to become a model for the training of the future.
Since 1998 when it was created, DLC has trained hundreds of thousands of professionals from all areas of knowledge, using innovative technology learning solutions that provide its customers with a large-scale competitive advantage, as demonstrated by a significant body of research and case studies.
DLC promises to innovate on a continuous basis so as to be able to serve customers in the sense of their full satisfaction by offering them solutions that are economically and technologically more profitable than those of the competition and that can be customized and appropriate to their characteristics and needs.