ISO 9001 and RDI – NP 4457 certification
- Continuous improvement
- To achieve levels of excellence in quality and innovation in the
organization, in marketing, in the processes, the products and the
services. - Increased productivity
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Innovation management: value creation and new opportunities
This process and others that the company may adopt in the future have as cornerstone the achievement of excellence at all levels, especially with regard to meeting customer needs and maximizing productivity, recognized attributes of Eurotux.
Over the years Eurotux has implemented several internal procedures in order to ensure a strict quality control of the performed work and
rendered services. The implementation of the Quality Management
System and the Research, Development and Innovation Management
System, will add a new methodology and validate the internal
To implement all the organizational changes needed to obtain the
certifications, Eurotux has the assistance of a partner company,