Eurotux provides support for preparing applications to Portugal 2020
Eurotux has experience in technological projects and is prepared to outline the requirements. The company can offer to execute a viability analysis and actively collaborate in establishing an eventual application.
Recently, Eurotux developed a campaign aimed at public entities and is preparing several types of projects in partnership with municipalities in the northern and central regions of Portugal. It has implemented projects in municipalities that espouse the following characteristics:
- Institutional Collaboration;
- Broadcasting information on the municipality and interaction with citizens;
- Compliance with standing regulation on digital interoperability for public administration (Resolution of the Council of Ministers n.º 91/2012 November 8th);
- Utilization of open software platforms that contribute to cost reduction and added-value for the municipality’s activities;
- Authentication with Portuguese Citizen Card.
Portugal 2020 summons the potential of the five European Structural Investment Funds that establish the principles of the economic, social and territorial development policy program being promoted between 2014 and 2020. This framework of incentives will support investment projects proposed by companies, public entities and other types of organizations. It is an excellent opportunity for companies to invest in competitiveness and sustainable growth. The incentives can reach up to 85% of the total investment value.