Eurotux’s 2020 communication review
In the last year Eurotux spared no effort in communication. Many actions and campaigns were taken in several different channels, not only in order to increase brand awareness, promote services, but also informing and helping the community that involves the company.
Maintaining the dialogue with customers, employees, shareholders and all stakeholders is extremely important to Eurotux. Due to the pandemic, which made it impossible, for example, to hold face-to-face events, and the need for physical distance, the company decided to increase the investments and reinforcement in digital channels.
An unprecedented advertising campaign, which promoted the company as a player in Digital Transformation took place in May. Eurotux was on television, radio and some major national portals as many could see.
Before launching the advertising campaign, Eurotux modernized its main digital channel, dividing the old site into three new sites: the main one for services, another institutional one for the group and a specific one for providing infrastructure and solutions.
In order to educate employees of partner companies about information security, an eBook was published, which can be read or downloaded in portuguese as a pdf from the company’ main website. Another channel that received reinforcement was the social networks, where news and technical information of interest to the followers are being shared.
Eurotux’s monthly Newsletter takes the news of the month and useful information directly to the email inbox of customers and subscribers. It is the main vehicle of information of the company. So stay with us in 2021 to find out what happens in the Eurotux Group and in the IT world.