Remote Work

Platform for communication/collaboration integrated by Eurotux helps customers work from home securely


Eurotux teams have been working remotely for several weeks, and the experience so far led us to integrate a communication/collaboration platform, given the fact that some of the global communication services have suffered glitches or loss of service. This plaftorm is a virtual machine that includes the following programs already preinstalled:

In only 10 minutes, this platform allows you and your team to be equipped with software that grants access to internal systems of your organization, talk and share screens while videoconferencing, and even communicate through chat. Your users will access securely with your internal network via VPN, and the chat / videoconference services will be deployed on your internal network, which also limits the exposure of your communications to external networks.

Quick and easy

Customers will be given a link to download the virtual machine, which needs to be imported to your on-premise virtualization solution. The setup is simple; make sure you are prepared with the following information:

A full list of usernames and passwords is generated and provided to the customer, which should transmit each credential to his employees. Eurotux does not have any access to this information, unless the customer requests our technical teams to configure the virtual machine.


In order to obtain this virtual machine ready to start and set your team remotely with our support, please contact Eurotux through the following mail:

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